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HOP ON TOUR: Final Count Down

So we’re heading into the last three shows in Chicago. What ? How did that happen so fast? There have been some pretty slamming moments (also some scary ones) in the last couple of weeks. But overall it’s been feeling really good.

It’s been wild being back in this world again. Though every day does start to feel the same. Wake up on the bus in a new town, go to sound check, then start rehearsals and begin “the great set list debate.” Off to catering for a quick bite and then we jump on stage for the show. And it ends with late night mayhem on the bus. Kind of fun actually. I’m going to miss it.

Meeting great fans and breweries across the country as part of the Hop On Tour experience has been a new treat as well. We’ve shared a lot of great craft brews, and some awesome meet & greets. It all comes together at my sold-out Kyle’s Brew Fest CHICAGO as the Hop On Tour finale, again supporting food banks and impoverished communities through Conscious Alliance.

We are psyched to be out again and are ready to rage these last few nights!

I have included some photos and a video from the last week on the road. Enjoy.

See ya soon. I heart Ambien.


The setlist that wasn’t.
Happy birthday to Jesse Aratow in Boston (SCI Manager / Tour Manager)!
Big organ in Boston.
My Justin Bieber impression.
The Biebs?
I bought a new tie in Boston.
Sunday shows can be a bitch…
What’s wrong with this picture?
The guys from 4 Hands Brewing in STL.


2 responses to “HOP ON TOUR: Final Count Down”

  1. Thanks for the amazing music Kyle, and for all the yummy beer (thanks to the breweries too, nice work). Looking forward to a huge three nights in Chicago, the energy is already building big time here at our hotel!

  2. RacheLiscious Avatar

    What an awesome Tour. Thanks!!! Enjoyed the Magic Hat tasting in NYC. Now get some rest from all the mayhem! And if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, love to see you guys play again real soon!

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