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I just finished a week of rehearsals with String Cheese. It was pretty wild to be in that room with all five of them again. At first we chatted about what we had all be doing for the last two years and eventually we decided to play some music. The first few jams were a bit awkward, but the groove smoothed out and it felt really natural. I am thinking this could be a lot of fun!

I posted a video I made from my laptop on my new YouTube channel. This was the first time we had played this tune (“Outside and Inside”) in a while. I nearly got all the chords right!
Check it out!

Later, Kyle


16 responses to “Reunited”

  1. Hell yeah!!! Barefoot boys back together again!! Sweet jam!!

    1. Bob_Boblaw Avatar

      Gil Selinger? Is that you? I haven’t heard from you since your NYC days. Hope you are well, my friend.


  2. Thanks so much for the update and video!

  3. Ira the Pirate Avatar
    Ira the Pirate

    Thanks so much for sharing and giving us a taste of what the present and the future holds.

  4. el incidente del queso Avatar
    el incidente del queso

    This is so awesome, Thanks for posting rehearsals it really means alot to the entire cheese community. Cant wait to see more!!!!

  5. YES!!! thanks so much for the vid. Keep ’em coming!

  6. wizzding Avatar

    Flip the video back the normal way! You’re freaking me out! Looks like you’re soloing with your left hand and comping with your right.

  7. Everyone’s playing lefty!

    Oh wait…

  8. Thank you Kyle for posting this , my faith that cheese is coming back just got that much better. Hope to see you play red rocks soon.

  9. ben wilson Avatar
    ben wilson

    post up you guys doing impressions?!?!?!? hehe you remember that one?

  10. Graham Avatar

    Not bad for the boys on strings playing left-handed!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Really hoping I get to see you in Denver!

  11. It’s great to see you guys back together again! Thanks for the vid Kyle!

  12. what a reunion it will be

  13. Bradley Houseworth Avatar
    Bradley Houseworth

    The video is much appreciated Kyle. It is nice to get a little glimpse of the practice sessions. Seems things are rolling along nicely…

    So once things settle down after Rothbury, can we expect a Fall tour by your band (KHB/ D.N.A. Land) in support of your new solo album? The taste at the Portage Theatre in Chitown was just not enough…I need some more funk…

    It’s all inside with no place to go…

    I think alot of people would really dig the shows and it obviously would help sales of your new album…just don’t forget about the Michigan Love :>)

  14. wavemicah Avatar

    Hola Kyle,
    I saw you rock Salida, oh so very Funky, and then the Sound Check was a freakin’ sweatlodge, and yes, I did have a spiritual experience.

    So much so that I realized I needed to start writing again on my wordpress, etc etc.

    thanks for showin’ us fans some lovin’! Love and Light and Jellies, WaVe

    p.s. hope to see you at Rothbury!

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