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So Now What?

Well it has been a few weeks since Rothbury and our “Incident” for the year. It was pretty cool to be standing side stage doing the “pre show huddle” and looking out over the sea of excited fans. And when we walked out onto stage to the great big sound of appreciation it felt so good to be up there again. And yes I was a bit nervous I kinda scraped my way through the first tune just trying to keep my head in the game.

I thought the show went well. A few bonks here and there, in fact the power went out during “Little Hands” and it caught us off guard for a moment, but we recovered and raged on. Overall I was surprised how easily we all sank into the groove again after not being on stage together for two years.

So what happens next? I wish I knew. From my perspective I would love to go out and play some more shows. I cannot say for sure, but it did seem like the band felt the same way. But one thing I do know is that this “break” has been good for everyone. The band came back refreshed and ready to play together again. And although all of our scide projects have their own vibe and momentum, I do think there is something to be said about how the six of us play together as a band. There is something special that happens when we are all connected in the moment and in the music.

I hope to keep it going!



10 responses to “So Now What?”

  1. Please bless our world with more incidents in the near future.

  2. I hope it works for you guys to do more. I sorely miss it.

  3. “time is right…do you feel it too”

  4. […] String Cheese Incident fans we’re keeping an eye on keyboardist Kyle Hollingsworth’s blog. Earlier today Kyle posted the following […]

  5. Summer Tour 2010!!!!

  6. Tres Wright Avatar
    Tres Wright

    Please make my New Years fun again, I miss SF and all the crazy cheese that happened there

  7. mockturtle Avatar

    love ya’ll 🙂

  8. Christine Avatar

    Are you playing w/ The Motet in Denver on Halloween weekend? (Cervantes)

  9. Melissa Avatar

    Special indeed !! There is no one else that could draw us all the way across the country ( we r in so. CA) for a show. Especially with our one year old. You guys have such an amazing positive vibe that it draws people for thousands of miles 🙂

  10. Alexandra Avatar

    Oh, please! please, pleaaaaaassse!! We miss you SO much!

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