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The Road Again…

Ok now, my second blog entry. I will attempt to write this on Ambien. So if this gets a little slurred by the end forgive me.

Well I hit the Midwest hard with my new funk project, D.N.A. Land. It was a blast and it seemed that the fans had fun as well. Traveling via my rented PT Cruiser, we slammed through Madison, Urbana, and Chicago. It was wild to be on tour again. I had forgotten about Bob Evans and cheap hotels, playing late and eating chips from the vending machines. I kind of miss it. Of course there is always the morning when the maids come knocking.

I also got to play with Travis and Jason (the dudes from String Cheese). It was so inspiring. I had forgotten how much of a connection we have from all those years together. It made me psyched to be gathering again as the String Cheese Incident at Rothbury. It is amazing how stepping outside of the bubble can give you new perspective. In the last 2 years I have had a beautiful child, played music, and created a new CD. All these things are possible because of my years of service in the SCI collective. I was excited to be free for a few years, but now I realize that we are more than just six musicians; we were, in certain moments, able to be a complete unit that played music that was inspired by a force bigger than us as individuals. At times I felt we were not playing music, but were being played by the music. That is what brought me here in the first place.

Enough now of the new age rhetoric. So, bottom line: it was nice to get out and see the world. It was nice to play with EOTO. And so much fun to be in the moment.

And in the end, “what would Janis do?”



11 responses to “The Road Again…”

  1. Is String Cheese playing all four nights or just one or are details scarce at the moment?

    I never got a chance to see you guys live before. Thought I had missed the boat. There’s no way I’m letting this opportunity get away from me.

  2. thedenverb Avatar

    glad you are having a good time up there doing your own thing, Kyle.

    that’s the most important part.

  3. Stepping away is great for a perspective shift… Great to hear that it re-ignited some of the New Agey feeling… Sometimes it’s the best part of life. Keeping fresh perspectives for what you love is just as important as why you loved it in the first place!

  4. i’ve read a redic amount of blog posts in my life. never has a single post made me so happy. love it kyle, i’ll see you and the boys in sherwood forest

  5. Very inspiring entry Kyle. We had a great time watching you four mold into one powerful entity in Chicago. DNA Land also sounded great and I enjoyed listening to you manipulate those SCI songs to make them your own.

  6. Right on Kyle! Great to hear/see/feel the culmination of energy that is SCI growing ever stronger with the impending Roth performance!

    Thanks for the words.

  7. Your music has truly been a blessing to me and many others. I thank you for everything and wish you the best with DNA Land and your new family. Since SCI last played in 2007 , I too have started a new family. I have a beautiful baby boy named Roman, and you better believe he hears your tunes every day. It makes me happy to think in a few years I may be able to take him to a Cheese show. Berkeley ’07 was a very special time for me and opened my eyes to the importance of family. I believe I met Mike Kang’s sister(?) and we shared tears of joy. No joke! There are no friends…only family. Peace and love. See you at Rothbury!!!

  8. Pet a dog?

  9. I can’t wait too, brother. Can’t wait for a sexy Don’t Say and of course I’ll always allow an Impressions. Can’t wait for the boys to be together again!!! Thanks for the interaction and bloggin’ Kyle, keep up the great work.

  10. Glad to hear you’re having fun out there. SCI was such a huge part of my life for so long it was hard to let go. That being said, a lot in my life has changed since the last night of Cheese on the Rocks and I have gained some much needed perspective. That being said, the announcement of Rothbury has left me itchin’ like a junky. See you there!!

    Btw, the reinvented Boo Boo’s you played at Yarmony was sick.

  11. Lindsay Avatar

    Absolutly love your blog. I had so much fun experiencing the magic at the Portage. There is so much amazing, beautiful energy flowing and building up to Rothbury. I can’t wait to see, hear, feel how you all have grown seperately as SCI. I think it is going to be one of those “the music is playing you” kind of parties! The funk is in your hands, Kyle. Love, Love, Love you!

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