Guitarist and co-founder of The String Cheese Incident, Bill Nershi, and wife Jilian Nershi, join together as a duo of harmonies and driving acoustic guitar, immediately drawing in the listener. An inspired journey through various styles and influences, a throwback to the roots of American music, the Nershis have a relaxed way of connecting with the audience through the stories in their songs. Constantly finding ways to make the music sound complete as a duo, unique arrangements and a deep catalogue of original songs highlight the couple’s dedication to their craft.

Our Future Now is an organization that was co-founded by Michael Kang in the beginning of 2007. The organizations mission is to inspire environmental and social awareness through a combination of art, science and technology.

The idea of The Contribution came to Tim Carbone (Railroad Earth) and Jeff Miller (New Monsoon) at The String Cheese Incident’s festival at Horning’s Hideout outside of Portland, OR in 2005. The two had collaborated on stage many times, creating sparks on both coasts and many points in between. Phil Ferlino (New Monsoon) was asked to add his unique sense of melody and keyboard expertise. The three musicians embarked on a journey of songwriting and a true collaborative effort was born. Over the course of thirty days stretched out over four years the songs came to life. When it came time to record the songs it was decided to ask Keith Moseley and Jason Hann from The String Cheese Incident to be the rhythm section, a stroke of genius, because what Keith and Jason brought to the table turned out to be extraordinary! In fourteen days time these five friends became a band and the fruits of their labor is the album, Which Way World.

Kyle Hollingsworth Band
Decades ago, Kyle Hollingsworth set out on a career in music. With a wealth of desire and an abundance of ability, Hollingsworth has established himself as a formidable and versatile music talent deftly able to contribute, collaborate, compose, and communicate on a number of levels and within a vast spectrum of musical environments. Today, as a member of acclaimed jam masters The String Cheese Incident, Hollingsworth is revered by both peers and fans for his ability to write and perform in a mosaic of styles, from rock to classical, ragtime to bebop. Playing in SCI has allowed him unrestricted access to the world of music, and has bestowed on him the kind of fearlessness a composer needs to flirt with such disparate genres. Those who’ve seen SCI know that they can jerk from funk to bluegrass on a chord change. “In the jam world, where there are no set ways of doing things, we’re not afraid to move in and out of genres,” he says, “and because of that I’ve learned to be creative, not only onstage but in the studio. I can get on board with something pretty quickly. You have to.”

Snakes & Stars
Snakes and Stars is a brand new musical creation of Michael Travis (The String Cheese Incident, EOTO) and Aaron Johnston (Brazilian Girls, David Byrne’s American Utopia). Long time friends and collaborators, Michael and Aaron were looking for new avenues of musical creation when Michael reached out to share a concept for a new Electronic Duo. They got together to check it out and it worked! It worked very, very well. The musical visions synchronized effortlessly and Snakes and Stars was born.
The Sound: Snakes and Stars consists of two of live music’s top drummers exploring various idioms of electronic and dance music in a live, improvisational format. While DJs play previous recorded tracks Snakes and Stars plays everything live and makes up the songs as they go. Relying on a combined 60 years of live music experience, Travis and Johnston utilize vocals, synthesizers, electronic pads and triggers, drum kit, guitar, bass and samples to create a one of a kind musical experience in the moment.
Every show is a unique experience, a playful interaction between the two artists, audience and the surrounding energy they collectively create together to guide the music. No two shows will ever be the same. The band finds its inspiration in deep electronic roots from minimal, trance, techno and house and downtempo along with contemporary electronic stylings like trap and dubstep , Snakes and Stars is a leap forward in today’s live music scene mixing improvisation with the most modern concepts of modern dance music.